- Dominant factors of thermal conduction in alkali silicate glasses and melts: a molecular dynamics study
Y. Noguchi, M. Shimizu, S. Sukenaga, R. Endo, T. Nishi, and K. Miura
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 108, e20288(2025). - The effect of rounded angle on the sharp corners of meta-atoms in dielectric metasurface
Y. Yang, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Shimizu, and K. Miura
Optics Express, 33, 11213-11220(2025).
- Dominant factors of thermal conduction in alkali silicate glasses and melts: a molecular dynamics study
- Atomistic mechanism of structural and volume relaxation below glass transition temperature in a soda-lime silicate glass revealed by Raman spectroscopy and its DFT calculations
T. Suzuki, Y. Hamada, M. Shimizu, S. Urata, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, 034501(2024). - Photoinduced Structural Change in MgO Single Crystal
T. Sakurai, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Shimizu, and K. Miura
Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 19, 51-56(2024). - Femtosecond Laser Slicing of Single Crystal AlN Layer Grown by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy on an AlN Substrate Generated by Physical Vapor Transport
Y. Yang, K. Matsui, Y. Shimotsuma, T. Furuya, R. Yamamoto, T. Nagashima, M. Shimizu, and K. Miura
Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 19, 63-66(2024).
- Atomistic mechanism of structural and volume relaxation below glass transition temperature in a soda-lime silicate glass revealed by Raman spectroscopy and its DFT calculations
- Formation of NV centers in diamond by femtosecond laser single pulse
Y. Shimotsuma, K. Kinouchi, R. Yanoshita, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, M. Uemoto, M. Shimizu, and K. Miura
Optics Express, 31, 1594-1603(2023). - Volume relaxation of soda-lime silicate glasses below glass transition temperature
Y. Hamada, T. Murota, M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
AIP Advances, 13, 025353(2023). - Photoinduced Self-Assembly of Nanocrystals inside Al2O3-Lu2O3 Glass
T. Okuno, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Shimizu, and K. Miura
Advanced Optical Technologies, 12, 1237663(2023). - Microscopic and thermodynamic origins of volume relaxation in soda-lime aluminosilicate glasses below the glass transition temperature
Y. Hamada, A. Sasaki, M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 617, 122509(2023). - Ultra-high temperature Soret effect in a silicate melt: SiO2 migration to cold side
Y. Nishida, M. Shimizu, T. Okuno, J. Matsuoka, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 159, 134504(2023). - Laser writing of preferentially orientated nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond
K. Kinouchi, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Uemoto, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, M. Shimizu, and K. Miura
Carbon Trends, 13, 100318(2023).
- Formation of NV centers in diamond by femtosecond laser single pulse
- Speciation of Tin Ions in Oxide Glass Containing Iron Oxide through Solvent Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry after the Decomposition Utilizing Ascorbic Acid
Y. Saijo, M. Murata, T. Kajihara, H. Hijiya, Y. Suzuki, R. Akiyama, M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
Analytical Sciences(2022). - Composition-dependent sign inversion of the Soret coefficient of SiO2 in binary borosilicate melts
M. Shimizu, K. Sato, K. Nakashima, T. Kiyosawa, J. Matsuoka, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156, 214504(2022). - Speciation Analysis of Tin at the Tin Side of Float Glass by Solvent Extraction Combined with a Stepwise Etching Technique
Y. Saijo, Y. Suzuki, R. Akiyama, M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 592, 121752(2022). - Role of mixing thermodynamic properties on the Soret effect
T. Kiyosawa, M. Shimizu, J. Matsuoka, K. Nakashima, K. Sato, M. Nishi, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157, 174501(2022).
- Speciation of Tin Ions in Oxide Glass Containing Iron Oxide through Solvent Extraction and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry after the Decomposition Utilizing Ascorbic Acid
- Determination of sulfur in soda-lime silicate glass by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy following separation using an alumina column
Y. Saijo, Y. Suzuki, R. Akiyama, and K. Miura
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 129, 54-59(2021). - Determination of thermodynamic and microscopic origins of the Soret effect in sodium silicate melts: Prediction of sign change of the Soret coefficient
M. Shimizu, T. Fukuyo, J. Matsuoka, K. Nakashima, K. Sato, T. Kiyosawa, M. Nishi, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154, 074501(2021). - Direct writing of high density nitrogen-vacancy centers inside diamond by femtosecond laser irradiation
T. Kurita, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Fujiwara, M. Fujie, N. Mizuochi, M. Shimizu, K. Miura
Applied Physics Letters, 118, 214001(2021). - Structural origin of thermal shrinkage in soda-lime silicate glass below the glass transition temperature: A theoretical investigation by microsecond timescale molecular dynamics simulations
M. Shimizu, T. Murota, S. Urata, Y. Takato, Y. Hamada, A. Koike, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Fujita, K. Miura
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 155, 044501(2021). - Separation and Determination of Sulfide Sulfur and Sulfate Sulfur in Soda Lime Silicate Glass
Y. Saijo, Y. Suzuki, M. Murata, R. Akiyama, M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 571, 121072(2021).
- Determination of sulfur in soda-lime silicate glass by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy following separation using an alumina column
- Low temperature deformation mechanism of semiconductor single crystal and molding of Ge microlens array by direct electrical heating
K. Tokuhiro, M. Okano, S. Hachinohe, M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
AIP Advances, 10, 045214(2020). - Femtosecond laser direct writing in SiO2‐Al2O3 binary glasses and thermal stability of Type II permanent modifications
Y. Wang, S. Wei, M. R. Cicconi, Y. Tsuji, M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, G. Peng, D. R. Neuville, B. Poumellec, M. Lancry
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103, 4286-4294(2020) - Cooling-rate dependence of thermal conductivity in a sodium silicate glass: A molecular dynamics study
K. Chojin, M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 128, 656-659(2020) - Soret coefficient of a sodium germanate glass melt: experiment, theory, and molecular dynamics simulation
K. Nakashima, M. Shimizu, J. Matsuoka, T. Fukuyo, H. Kato, M. Nishi, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103, 6208-6214(2020) - Picosecond burst pulse machining with temporal energy modulation [Invited]
A. Nakamura, T. Mizuta, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, T. Otobe, M. Shimizu, and K. Miura
Chinese Optics Letters, 18, 123801(2020) - Femtosecond Laser-Induced Self-Assembly of Ce3+-Doped YAG Nanocrystals
Yasuhiko Shimotsuma, Kotaro Tomura, Tatsuya Okuno, Masahiro Shimizu, and Kiyotaka Miura
Crystals, 10, 1142-1-13(2020)
- Low temperature deformation mechanism of semiconductor single crystal and molding of Ge microlens array by direct electrical heating
- Substitutional reaction in Si-O network of MD-modeled liquid Na2SiO3: a microscopic and statistical study
M. Shimizu, A. N. Cormack, L. Wang, M. Nishi, K. Hirao, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 102, pp. 4431–4439(2019).
- Substitutional reaction in Si-O network of MD-modeled liquid Na2SiO3: a microscopic and statistical study
- Femtosecond laser-writing of 3D crystal architecture in glass: Growth dynamics and morphological control
A. Stone, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, K. Hirao, V. Dierolf and H. Jaina
Materials and Design, Vol. 146, pp. 228–238(2018). - Nano Periodic Structure Formation in 4H–SiC Crystal Using Femtosecond Laser Double Pulses
E. Kim, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, and K. Miura
Journal of Superhard Materials, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 259–266(2018). - Role of partial molar enthalpy of oxides on Soret effect in high-temperature CaO–SiO2 melts
M. Shimizu, J. Matsuoka, H. Kato, T. Kato, M. Nishi, H. Visbal, K. Nagashima, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, H. Itasaka, K. Hirao, and K. Miura
Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, Article number: 15489 (2018) . - Soret coefficient of a sodium borate melt: Experiment with a vertical furnace and thermodynamic theory
M. Shimizu, S. Hosoya, T. Kato, J. Matsuoka, H. Kato, M. Nishi, K. Hirao, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 126, 997-1004(2018) - Photoinduced functional materials by femtosecond laser direct writing
Y. Shimotsuma, Y. Nakanishi, M. Shimizu, M. Sakakura, K. Miura
Proceedings of SPIE, 105361U(2018) - Formation mechanism of self-assembled polarization-dependent periodic nanostructures in β-Ga2O3
Y. Nakanishi, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, M. Shimizu, K. Miura
Proceedings of SPIE, 105201J(2018) - Efficient generation of nitrogen-vacancy center inside diamond with shortening of laser pulse duration
T. Kurita, N. Mineyuki, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, M. Shimizu, and K. Miura
Applied Physics Letters, 113,211102(2018)
- Femtosecond laser-writing of 3D crystal architecture in glass: Growth dynamics and morphological control
- Molecular dynamics simulation of the Soret effect in a CaSiO3 glass melt
M. Shimizu, H. Kato, M. Nishi, D. Hanakawa, K. Nagashima, H. Visbal, H. Itasaka, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and K. Hira
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 125, No. 3 (2017) 180-184 - Synthesis of SiO2-SnO2 nanofibers using TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers as templates
S. Gunji, Y. Shimotsuma, T. Fujimoto and K. Miura
Frontiers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2017) 1-4 - 4H-SiC wafer slicing by using femtosecond laser double-pulses
E. Kim, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
Opt. Mater. Express, Vol. 7, No. 7 (2017) pp. 2450-2460. - Tunability of form birefringence induced by femtosecond laser irradiation in anion doped silica glass
Y. Shimotsuma, S. Kubota, A. Murata, T. Kurita, M. Sakakura, K. Miura, M. Lancry and B. Poumellec
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 100, No. 9 (2017) pp. 3912-3919. - Unexpected gas sensing properties of SiO2/SnO2 core–shell nanofibers under dry and humid conditions
S. Gunji, M. Jukei, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, K. Suematsu, K. Watanabe and K. Shimanoe
J. Mater. Chem. C, Vol. 5 (2017) pp. 6369-6376. - Deformation and improvement of the IR transmission of single-crystal silicon by direct current heating
K. Miura, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, S. Gunji, T. Sakamoto, K. Morishita and S. Hachinohe
Materiali in Tehnologije, Vol. 51, No. 3 (2017) pp. 493-497. - Polarization imaging camera with a waveplate array fabricated with a femtosecond laser inside silica glass
T. Ohfuchi, M. Sakakura, Y. Yamada, N. Fukuda, T. Takiya, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Opt. Express, Vol. 25, No. 20 (2017) pp. 23738-23754. - Suppression of stress and crack generation in local glass melting by picosecond laser irradiation at a high repetition rates with temporal energy modulation
A. Nakamura, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
J. Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2017) pp. 126-131.
- Molecular dynamics simulation of the Soret effect in a CaSiO3 glass melt
- Nanostructuring in indirect band-gap semiconductor using IR femtosecond double pulses
Y. Shimotsuma, T. Sei, M. Sakakura, K. Miura and H. Udono
J. Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2016) 35-40 - Self-assembled nanostructures inside indirect bandgap semiconductor by using IR femtosecond double-pulses
T. Sei, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
J. Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2016) 76-80 - Nanogratings embedded in Al2O3-Dy2O3 glass by femtosecond laser irradiation
S. Mori, T. Kurita, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
J. Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2016) 87-90 - Control of periodic nanostructure embedded in SiO2 glass under femtosecond double-pulse irradiation
A. Murata, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
J. Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 11, No. 1 (2016) 95-99 - Self-organization of polarization-dependent periodic nanostructures embedded in III-V semiconductor materials
Y. Shimotsuma, T. Sei, M. Mori, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
Appl. Phys. A, Vol. 122, No. 1 (2016) 159 - Soret coefficients of alkali oxides in alkali borate glass melts
M. Shimizu, D. Hanakawa, M. Nishi, K. Nagashima, V. Heidy, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and K. Hirao
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 124, No. 7 (2016) 774-776 - Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of SiO2/TiO2 nanofibers using templates of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers
S. Gunji, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol., Vol. 79, No. 1 (2016) 151-159 - Heterogeneous-surface-mediated crystallization control
S. Zhou, B. Zheng, Y. Shimotsuma, Y. Lu, Q. Guo, M. Nishi, M. Shimizu, K. Miura, K. Hirao and J. Qiu
NPG Asia Mater., Vol. 8, No. 3 (2016) e245 - Square-shape distribution of ZnO crystals in glass by using a spatial light modulator
X. Du, M. Sakakura, T. Kurita, H. Zhang, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Hirao, K. Miura and J. Qiu
J. Non-Cryst. Solids, Vol. 448, (2016) 79–82 - Modification and dynamics inside diamond by femtosecond laser double-pulse irradiation
M. Sakakura, T. Okada, V. Bharadwaj, B. Sotillo, S. M. Eaton, R. Ramponi, A. Serpengüzel, U. S. Gökay, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Miura
J. Laser Micro/Nanoeng., Vol. 11, No. 3 (2016) 346-351 - Diamond photonics platform enabled by femtosecond laser writing
B. Sotillo, V. Bharadwaj, J. P. Hadden, M. Sakakura, A. Chiappini, T. T. Fernandez, S. Longhi, O. Jedrkiewicz, Y. Shimotsuma, L. Criante, R. Osellame, G. Galzerano, M. Ferrari, K. Miura, R. Ramponi, P. E. Barclay and S. M. Eaton
Sci. Rep., Vol. 6 (2016) 35566 - Synthesis of fluorescent nanocarbons by femtosecond laser induced plasma in liquid
N. Agatsuma, Y. Fujimatsu, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
JProc. SPIE, Vol. 9983, (2016) 99831C - Ultrashort pulse laser slicing of semiconductor crystal
E. Kim, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9983, (2016) 99831B
- Nanostructuring in indirect band-gap semiconductor using IR femtosecond double pulses
- Generation of glass nanofibers from back surface of substrate using pulsed UV 355 nm laser
S. Itoh, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Appl. Phys. B, Vol. 119, No. 3 (2015) 519-524 - Systematic control of structural changes in GeO2 glass induced by femtosecond laser direct writing
T. Asai, Y. Shimotsuma, T. Kurita, A. Murata, S. Kubota, M. Sakakura, K. Miura, F. Brisset, B. Poumellec and M. Lancry
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 98, No. 5 (2015) 1471-1477 - Tailoring thermoelectric properties of nanostructured crystal silicon fabricated by infrared femtosecond laser direct writing
M. Mori, Y. Shimotsuma, T. Sei, M. Sakakura, K. Miura, H. Udono
Phys. Stat. Sol. A, Vol. 212, No. 4 (2015) 715-721 - Laser processing techniques for digital data storage in silica glass
Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, K. Miura, M. Shiozawa, R. Imai, T. Watanabe and K. Watanabe
Proc. of the 83rd Laser Materials Processing Conference, Vol. 83 (2015) 141-147 - Transient strain distributions during femtosecond laser-induced deformation inside LiF and MgO single crystals
M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, N. Fukuda and K. Miura
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 118, No. 2 (2015) 023106 - Modification of flow of glass melt and elemental distributions by parallel irradiation with femtosecond laser pulses
M. Sakakura, T. Kurita, K. Yoshimura, N. Fukuda, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 9350 (2015) 935013 - The effect of femtosecond laser processing conditions on the properties of a polarization imaging filter inside a silica glass
Y. Yamada, T. Ohfuchi, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, N. Fukuda, K. Miura and T. Takiya
Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 9350 (2015) 93501A - Study on generation process of nanofibers from back surface of thin glass substrate using pulsed UV 355nm laser
S. Itoh, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 9352 (2015) 93520M - Direct laser-writing of ferroelectric single-crystal waveguide architectures in glass for 3D integrated optics
A. Stone, H. Jain, V. Dierolf, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, K. Hirao, J. Lapointe and R. Kashyap
Sci. Rep., Vol. 5 (2015) 10391 - Transient strain distributions during femtosecond laser-induced deformation inside LiF and MgO single crystals
M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, N. Fukuda and K. Miura
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 118 (2015) 023106 - Tailoring of nanostructure in indirect band-gap semiconductor using IR femtosecond double pulses
Y. Shimotsuma, T. Sei, M. Sakakura, K. Miura and H. Udono
Proc. of LAMP, (2015) A004 - Fast and slow dynamics in femtosecond laser-induced crack propagation inside a LiF single crystal
M. Sakakura, T. Okada, Y. Shimotsuma, N. Fukuda and K. Miura
Proc. of LAMP, (2015) A070 - Control of periodic nanostructure embedded in SiO2 glass under femtosecond double-pulse irradiation
A. Murata, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
Proc. of LAMP, (2015) A078 - Optical properties of nanodiamonds prepared by femtosecond laser ablation in liquid
Y. Fujimatsu, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Proc. of LAMP, (2015) A079 - Nanogratings embedded in Al2O3-Dy2O3 glass by femtosecond laser irradiation
S. Mori, T. Kurita, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
Proc. of LAMP, (2015) A080 - Self-assembled nanostructures inside indirect bandgap GaP semiconductor
T Sei, Y Shimotsuma, M Sakakura and K Miura
Proc. of LAMP, (2015) A081 - Synthesis of TiO2-SiO2 nanofibers by using TEMPO oxidized cellulose nanofibers as templates
S. Gunji, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Proc. of Sol-Gel, (2015) P-Th-8-07 - Fabrication of glass nanofibers from back surface of substrates by pulsed laser irradiation
S. Ito, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Proc. of Nanofibers, (2015) NF15O06 - Synthesis of TiO2-SiO2 nanofibers using templates of TEMPO oxidized cellulose nanofibers
S. Gunji, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Proc. of Nanofibers, (2015) NF15O08 - 光技術から超長期保存メモリへのアプローチ
渡部隆夫, 今井亮, 塩澤学, 森重喜, 下間靖彦, 坂倉政明, 三浦清貴, 渡辺康一
電子情報通信学会誌, Vol. 68 (2015) 1063 - Fast and slow dynamics in femtosecond laser-induced crack propagation inside a LiF single crystal
M. Sakakura, T. Okada, Y. Shimotsuma, N. Fukuda and K. Miura
J. Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 10, No. 3 (2015) 320-324
- Generation of glass nanofibers from back surface of substrate using pulsed UV 355 nm laser
- Carbon nanodots with strong nonlinear optical response
D. Tan, Y. Yamada, S. Zhou, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and J. Qiu
Carbon, Vol. 69, (2014) 638-640 - Femtosecond-laser nanostructuring in glass
Y. Shimotsuma, T. Asai, M. Sakakura and K. Miura
J. Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2014) 31-36 - Simultaneous multi-bit recording and driveless reading for permanent storage in fused silica
M. Shiozawa, T. Watanabe, R. Imai, M. Umeda, T. Mine, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, K. Miura and K. Watanabe
J. Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2014) 1-4 - Dynamics of interference of femtosecond laser-induced stress waves and crack formation inside a LiF single crystal
M. Sakakura, N. Fukuda, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, M. Sakakura, N. Fukuda, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 8967 (2014) 89670C - Effect of UV irradiation on photoluminescence of carbon dots
D. Tan, S. Zhou, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and J. Qiu
Opt. Mater. Express, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2014) 213-219 - Modulation of transient stress distributions for controlling femtosecond laser-induced cracks inside a single crystal
M. Sakakura, Y. Ishiguro, Y. Shimotsuma, N. Fukuda and K. Miura
Appl. Phys. A, Vol. 114, No. 1 (2014) 261-265 - Selective growth of gold nanostructures on locally amorphized silicon
H. Itasaka, M. Nishi, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, M. Watanabe, H. Jain and K. Hirao
J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 122, No. 1427 (2014) 543-546 - Modulation of crack generation inside a LiF single crystal by interference of laser induced stress waves
M. Sakakura, Y. Ishiguro, N. Fukuda, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
J. Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2014) 15-18 - Condensation of Si-rich region inside soda-lime glass by parallel femtosecond laser irradiation
M. Sakakura, K. Yoshimura, T. Kurita, M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma, N. Fukuda, K. Hirao and K. Miura
Opt. Express, Vol. 62, No. 13 (2014) 16493-16503 - Direct micro-carbonization inside polymer using focused femtosecond laser pulses
N. Morita, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Nishi, M. Sakakura, K. Miura and K. Hirao
Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 105, No. 20 (2014) 201104
- Carbon nanodots with strong nonlinear optical response
- Modulation of laser induced-cracks inside a LiF single crystal by fs laser irradiation at multiple points
M.Sakakura, Y. Ishiguro, N. Fukuda、Y. Shimotuma and K. Miura
Opt. Express, Vol. 21, No. 22 (2013) 26921-26928 - A driveless read system for permanently recorded data in fused silica
T. Watanabe, M. Shiozawa, E. Tatsu, .S. Kimura, M. Umeda, T..Mine, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, .M. Nakabayashi, K. Miura and K. Watanabe
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 52 (2013) 09LA02 - Shape control of elemental distributions inside a glass by simultaneous femtosecond laser irradiation at multiple spots
M. Sakakura, T. Kurita, M. Shimizu, K. Yoshimura, Y. Shimotsuma, N. Fukuda, K. Hirao and K. Miura
Opt. Lett., Vol. 38, No. 23 (2013) pp. 4939-4942 - Photoinduced luminescent carbon nanostructures with ultra-broadly tailored size
D. Tan, Y. Yamada, S. Zhou, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and J. Qiu
Nanoscale, Vol. 5 (2013) 12092-12097 - Multilayer aberration correction for depth-independent three-dimensional crystal growth in glass by femtosecond laser heating
A. Stone, H. Jain, V. Dierolf, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and K. Hirao
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol. 30, No. 5 (2013) 1234-1240 - White emission of Yb2+:fluoride glasses efficiently excited with near-UV light
H. Okamoto, K. Kasuga, Y. Kubota, N. Nishimura, H. Kawamoto, K. Miyauchi, Y. Shimotsuma and K. Miura
Opt. Express, Vol.21, No. 19 (2013) 22043-22052 - Simultaneous multi-bit recording in fused silica for permanent storage
M. Shiozawa, T. Watanabe, E. Tatsu, M. Umeda, T. Mine, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, M. Nakabayashi, K. Miura and K. Watanabe
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 52 (2013) 09LA01 - Nanomodification of glass using fs laser
Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and K. Hirao
Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci., Vol. 4, No. 3 (2013) 182-191 - Simple synthesis of ultra-small nanodiamonds with tunable size and photoluminescence
D. Tan, S. Zhou, B. Xu, P. Chen, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and J. Qiu
Carbon, Vol. 62 (2013) 374-381 - Self-limited nanocrystallization-mediated activation of semiconductor nanocrystal in an amorphous solid
S. Zhou, C. Li, G. Yang, G. Bi, B. Xu, Z. Hong, K. Miura, K. Hirao and J. Qiu
Adv. Func. Mater., Vol. 23 (2013) 5436–5443
- Modulation of laser induced-cracks inside a LiF single crystal by fs laser irradiation at multiple points
- Localized control of light–matter interactions by using nanoscale asymmetric TiO2
Shifeng Zhou, Tomoyo Matsuoka, Yasuhiko Shimotsuma, Masaaki Sakakura, Masayuki Nishi, Zhanglian Hong, Jianrong Qiu, Kazuyuki Hirao, and Kiyotaka Miura
Nanotechnology, 23 (2012) 465704 - Formation Mechanism and Applications of Laser Induced Elemental Distribution in Glasses
K. Miura, M. Shimizu, M. Sakakura, T. Kurita, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Hirao
PIERS Proceedings,(2012)pp.18-23. - Plasmonically enhanced Faraday effect in metal and ferrite nanoparticles composite precipitated inside glass
S. Nakashima , K. Sugioka, K. Tanaka , M. Shimizu, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, K. Midorikawa, and K. Mukai
Optics Express, Vol.20,No.27(2012)28191-28199 - Dynamics of fracture inside a single crystal induced by a focused femtosecond laser pulse
M.Sakakura, T. Tochio, Y. Ishiguro, M. Nakabayashi, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Hirao, K. Miura
Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 8530(2012) 853003-1-7 - Transient stress imaging after irradiation with a focused fs laser pulse inside a single crystal
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Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(JJAP), 51 (2012) 126602 - Evolution of self-assembled nanostructure in glass
Y. Shimotsuma, T. Asai, K. Miura, K. Hirao, P. G. Kazansky
Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, Vol.7,No.3(2012)339-344 - Homogeneous and elongation-free 3D microfabrication by a femtosecond laser pulse and hologram
M. Yamaji1, H. Kawashima2, J. Suzuki2, S. Tanaka2, M. Shimizu1, K. Hirao1, Y. Shimotsuma1, and K. Miura1
1Department of Material Chemistry, Graduate School, Kyoto University, Kyoto 615-8510, Japan
2Nanoglass Research Center, New Glass Forum, Ibaraki 300-2635, Japan - Three-dimensional temperature distribution and modification mechanism in glass during ultrafast laser irradiation at high repetition rates
Masahiro Shimizu, Masaaki Sakakura, Masatoshi Ohnishi, Masahiro Yamaji, Yasuhiko Shimotsuma, Kazuyuki Hirao, and Kiyotaka Miura - Control of element distribution in glass with femtosecond laser
M. Shimizu, M. Sakakura, M. Nishi, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Hirao, and K. Miura
SPIE,8244 (2012)82440O-82440O-6 - Laser-induced transient stress distribution inside a single crystal by time-resolved birefringence imaging
T. Tochio, M. Sakakura, S. Kanehira, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
SPIE, 8243(2012)82430E-82430E-8 - Control of material properties by parallel laser irradiations at multiple laser spots using a spatial light modulator
M. Sakakura, T. Tochio, M. Shimizu, N. Yasuda, M. Ohnish, K. Miura, Y. Shimotsuma, and K. Hirao
SPIE,8243(2012) 824310-824310-8 - Fabrication of photo-induced microstructure embedded inside ZnO crystal
Y. Ishikawa, Y. Shimotsuma, A. Kaneta, M. Sakakura, M. Nishi, K. Miura, K. Hirao, and Y. Kawakami
SPIE, 8243(2012)82430N-82430N-7
- Localized control of light–matter interactions by using nanoscale asymmetric TiO2
- Characterization of Structures Induced in LiTaO3 by Femtosecond Laser Pulses
M. Kumatoriya, M. Nakabayashi, K. Miura, K. Hirao,and A. Ando
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2011) 102004 - Selective Growth and SERS Property of Gold Nanoparticles on Amorphized Silicon Surface
T. Matsuoka, M. Nishi, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2011) 052007 - Formation of Elemental Distribution in Glasses by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation
N. Yasuda, M. Shimizu, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, S. Kanehira, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2011) 112012 - Silicon Precipitation in Glass via Photoinduced Reaction Using Femtosecond Laser
M. Nishimura, S. Kanehira, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2011) 112007 - Molecular Radial Orientation Arrangement by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation inside Sodium Germanate Glass
X. Wang, M. Sakakura, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2011) 112011 - Unexpected influence of focal depth on nucleation during femtosecond laser crystallization of glass
A. Stone, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, K. Hirao, V. Dierolf and H. Jain
Optical Materials Express, Vol.1, No.5 (2011) pp.990-995 - Radiophotoluminescence from silver-doped phosphate glass
Y. Miyamoto, Y. Takei, H. Nanto, T. Kurobori, A. Konnai, T. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, K. Miura, K. Hirao, Y. Nagashima,and T. Yamamoto
Radiation Measurements,46(2011)1480-1483 - Space selective reduction of europium ions via SrF2 crystals induced by high repetition rate femtosecond laser
X. Wang, N. Wu, M. Shimizu, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, S. Zhou, J. Qiu, and K. Hirao
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Vol. 119, No. 12 (2011) pp.939-941 - Silicon Precipitation via Photoinduced Reaction Using Femtosecond Laser
M. Nishimura, S. Kanehira, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 11(2011) 10087-10092 - Nano-periodic structure formation on titanium thin film with a Femtosecond laser
N. Wu, Z. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Nishi, K. Miura and K. Hirao
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Vol. 119, No. 11 (2011) pp.898-901 - Photosensitivity control of an isotropic medium through polarization of light pulses with tilted intensity front
P. G. Kazansky, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, M. Beresna, M. Gecevičius, Y. Svirko, S. Akturk, J. Qiu, K. Miura and K. Hirao
Optics Express, Vol.19, No.21 (2011) pp.20657-20664 - Luminescence of black silicon fabricated by high-repetition rate femtosecond laser pulses
T. Chen, JH. Si, X. Hou, S. Kanehira, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Journal of Applied Physics , 110(2011) 073106 - Manipulation of optical anisotropy in silica glass
Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, and K. Miura
Optical Materials Express, 1(2011) 803-815 - Selective metallization of Ag2O-dope silicate glass by femtosecond laser direct writing
N. Wu, X. Wang, Z. Wang, M. Ohnishi, M. Nishi, K. Miura and K. Hirao
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Vol. 119, No. 9 (2011) pp.697-700 - Observation of laser-induced stress waves and mechanism of structural changes inside rock-salt crystals
M. Sakakura, M. Terazima, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Optics Express, Vol.19, No.18 (2011) pp.17780-17789 - Modification of long range order in germanate glass by ultra fast laser
X. Wang, M. Sakakura, Y. Liu, J. Qiu, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Hirao, and K. Miura
Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 511 (2011) pp.266-269 - Intermetallic Magnetic Nanoparticle Precipitation by Femtosecond Laser Fragmentation in Liquid
T. Yamamoto, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, M. Nishi, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Langmuir, 27(2011) 8359-8364 - Formation mechanism of element distribution in glass under femtosecond laser irradiation
M. Shimizu, M. Sakakura, S. Kanehira, M. Nishi, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Hirao, and K. Miura
Optics Letters, Vol.36, No.11 (2011) pp.2161-2163 - Improved phase hologram design for generating symmetric light spots and its application for laser writing of waveguides
M. Sakakura, T. Sawano, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Optics Letters , 36(2011) 1065-1067 - Fabrication and characterization of silicon antireflection structures for infrared rays using a femtosecond laser
H. Imamoto, S. Kanehira, X. Wang, K. Kametani, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and K. Hirao
Optics Letters, Vol.36, No.7 (2011) pp.1176-1178 - Thermal and shock induced modification inside a silica glass by focused femtosecond laser Pulse
M. Sakakura, M. Terazima, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.109 (2011) p.023503 - Functionalized 2PP structures for the BioPhotonics Workstation
T. Matsuoka, M. Nishi, M. Sakakura, K. Miura, K. Hirao, D. Palima, S. Tauro, A. Banas, and J. Gluckstad
SPIE, 7950(2011) 79500Q - Localized phase separation inside glass by femtosecond laser-induced elemental migration
- M Shimizu, K Miura, M Sakakura, M Nishi, Y Shimotsuma, S Kanehira, and K Hirao
SPIE, 7996(2011)79960Q - Morphology change from nanocrack into periodic pore array formed by femtosecond laser pulses
C. Moon, S. Kanehira, K. Miura, E. Tochigi, N. Shibata, Y. Ikuhara, and K. Hirao
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.109 (2011) 013517 - Three-dimensional structuring inside transparent materials by a phase modulated fs laser beam with a LCOS-SLM
M Sakakura, K Miura, T Sawano, Y Shimotsuma, and K Hirao
SPIE,7920(2011)792010 - Optical properties of a waveguide written inside a LiTaO3 crystal by irradiation with focused femtosecond laser pulses
M. Kumatoriya, M. Nakabayashi, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, T. Fujii, and K. Hirao
Optical Review, Vol.18, No.1 (2011) pp.166-170
- Characterization of Structures Induced in LiTaO3 by Femtosecond Laser Pulses
- Elastic and thermal dynamics in femtosecond laser-induced structural change inside glasses studied by the transient lens method
M. Sakakura, M. Terazima, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, K. Hirao
Laser Chemistry, (2010) pp.128268-1-15 - Simultaneous Tailoring of Phase Evolution and Dopant Distribution in the Glassy Phase for Controllable Luminescence
S. Zhou, N. Jiang, K. Miura, S. Tanabe, M. Shimizu, M, Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Nishi, J.g Qiu, K. Hirao
Journal of American Ceramics Society, Vol.132 (2010) pp.17945-17952 - Mechanism of heat-modification inside a glass after irradiation with high-repetition rate femtosecond laser pulses
M. Shimizu, M. Sakakura, M. Ohnishi, Y. Shimotsuma, T. Nakaya, K. Miura, K. Hirao
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.108 (2010) p.073533 - Fabrication and propagation properties of waveguides in LiTaO3 by using femtosecond laser pulses
M. Kumatoriya, T. Fujii, M. Nakabayashi, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, K. Hirao, H. Murata, Y. Okamura
Report on the 397th Topical Meeting of the Laser Society of Japan, No. RYM-10-11, pp.27-31 - Sol-Gel Synthesis of Au-Nanoparticle Dispersed Bicontinuous Macroporous Siloxane Gel
Y. Hamada, M. Nishi, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura and K. Hirao
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2011) 032002 - (3-Mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane-derived Porous Gel Monolith via Thioacetal Reaction-Assisted Sol-Gel Route
S. Ito,M. Nishi, K. Kanamori, K. Nakanishi, T. Kurahashi, S. Matsubara, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2011) 032003 - Preparation of Nd2Fe14B nanoparticles under femtosecond laser ablation in liquid
T. Yamamoto, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, M. Nishi, K. Miura, K. Hirao, and M. Sagawa - Ultrafast manipulation of self-assembled form birefringence in glass
Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, P. G. Kazansky, J. Qiu, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Advanced Materials,Vol.22(2010)4039-4043 - Space-selective phase separation inside a glass by controlling compositional distribution with femtosecond laser irradiation
M. Shimizu, K. Miura, M. Sakakura, M. Nishi, Y. Shimotsuma, S. Kanehira, T. Nakaya, and K. Hirao
Applied physics A, Vol.100(2010)1001-1005 - Environmental radiation monitoring using solid state dosimeter
S. Koyama, Y. Miyamoto, A. Fujiwara, H. Kobayashi, K. Ajisawa, H. Komori, Y. Takei, H. Nanto, T. Kurobori, H. Kakimoto, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, K. Hirao, and T. Yamamoto
Sensors and Materials, Vol.22(2010)377-385 - Ionizing radiation sensor utilizing radiophotoluminescence in Ag+-activated phosphate glass and its application to environmental radiation monitoring
Y. Miyamoto, K. Kinoshita, H. Kobayashi, A. Fujiwara, S. Koyama, Y. Takei, H. Nanto, T. Yamamoto, T. Kurobori, K. Yanagida, A. Yoshikawa, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Sensors and Materials, Vol.22(2010)235-245 - Emission mechanism of RPL in Ag-doped phosphate glass
Y. Miyamoto, T. Yamamoto, K. Kinoshita, S. Koyama, Y. Takei, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Sakakura, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Radiation Measurements, Vol.45 (2010) pp.546-549 - Fabrication of three-dimensional 1 × 4 splitter waveguides inside a glass substrate with spatially phase modulated laser beam
M. Sakakura, T. Sawano, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Optics Express,Vol.18 (2010) 12136-12143 - Phase control on iron silicides using femtosecond laser irradiation
S. Kanehira, M. Eida, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Applied physics A, Vol.101(2010)81-85 - Selective growth of gold nanoparticles on FIB-Induced amorphous phase of Si substrate
T. Matsuoka, M. Nishi, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Vol.118(7) (2010) 575-578 - Emission and excitation mechanism of radiophotoluminescence in Ag+-activated phosphateglass
Y. Miyamoto, K. Kinoshita, S. Koyama, Y. Takei, H. Nanto, T. Yamamoto, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A, Vol.619 (2010) 71-74 - Photo-initiation of ZnO nanorod formation by femtosecond laser irradiation
N. Wu, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Nishi, M. Sakakura, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Vol.118(2) (2010) 147-151 - Micro-hole processing of polyimide film by ultra-short laser pulses and its applications
M. Ohnishi, H. Shikata, M. Sakakura, Y. Shimotsuma, K. Miura, and K. Hirao
Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, Vol.98 (2010) 123-127
- Elastic and thermal dynamics in femtosecond laser-induced structural change inside glasses studied by the transient lens method